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Daftar Lagu Galau Terbaru 2013
Yang namanya hidup tidak bisa lepas dari musik dan lagu, mau senang ataupun sedih lagu tetap setia menemani suasana hati kita. Dengan perkembangan musik indonesia yang semakin maju, kini sudah tersedia banyak sekali aliran musik yang terkadang cocok untuk kita yang sedang galau.
Malahan, kini semakin banyak saja lagu indonesia yang mengambil tema patah hati, diselingkuhi, ataupun mendua. Lagu - kagu seperti itu memang cocok menemani kita saat galau, paling tidak ada yang mengerti suasana hati kita kalau galau, meski hanya sebuah lagu saja.
Dan berikut ini, telah kami rangkumkan daftar tangga lagu galau terbaru 2013. Yang pasti lagu pilihan kami cocok untuk menemani suasana anda yang sedang galau, berikut informasi selengkapnya.
Kumpulan Daftar Lagu Galau Terbaru 2013 :
1. Adista - Tak bisa
2. Adista - saranghae
3. Adista - ditinggal lagi
4. D 'Masiv - 01 Cinta Ini Membunuhku
5. Papinka - dimana hatimu
6. Papinka - masih mencintainya
7. Kangen band - ijab kabul
8. Crishye - Andai Aku Bisa
9. Republik - Sandiwara Cinta
10. Adele - Some A Like You
11. Noah Band - Separuh Aku
12. Last Child Ft. Gisel - Seluruh Nafas Ini
13. Anji - Kekasih Terhebat
14. Padi - Kasih Tak Sampai.
15. Pasto - Tanya Hati
16. Tangga - Cinta Tak Mungkin Berhenti
17. Maliq and D Essentials - Untitled
18. Dewa 19 - Pupus
19. Seurieus - Bdg 19 oktober
20. Ungu Beri Aku Waktu
21. Tipe X - Tanda-tanda Patah Hati
22. Sheila On 7 - Pemuja Rahasia
23. Armada - Hargai Aku
24. Nidji - Hapus Aku
25. Bondan Prakoso And Fade2Black - Bunga
Nah itu lah beberapa lagu galau pilihan kami, yang pasti asyik untuk didengarkan saat suasana hati sedang galau. Untuk mendapatkan lagu tersebut, silakan kunjungi beberapa situs mp3 seperti gudang
Malahan, kini semakin banyak saja lagu indonesia yang mengambil tema patah hati, diselingkuhi, ataupun mendua. Lagu - kagu seperti itu memang cocok menemani kita saat galau, paling tidak ada yang mengerti suasana hati kita kalau galau, meski hanya sebuah lagu saja.
Dan berikut ini, telah kami rangkumkan daftar tangga lagu galau terbaru 2013. Yang pasti lagu pilihan kami cocok untuk menemani suasana anda yang sedang galau, berikut informasi selengkapnya.
Kumpulan Daftar Lagu Galau Terbaru 2013 :
1. Adista - Tak bisa
2. Adista - saranghae
3. Adista - ditinggal lagi
4. D 'Masiv - 01 Cinta Ini Membunuhku
5. Papinka - dimana hatimu
6. Papinka - masih mencintainya
7. Kangen band - ijab kabul
8. Crishye - Andai Aku Bisa
9. Republik - Sandiwara Cinta
10. Adele - Some A Like You
11. Noah Band - Separuh Aku
12. Last Child Ft. Gisel - Seluruh Nafas Ini
13. Anji - Kekasih Terhebat
14. Padi - Kasih Tak Sampai.
15. Pasto - Tanya Hati
16. Tangga - Cinta Tak Mungkin Berhenti
17. Maliq and D Essentials - Untitled
18. Dewa 19 - Pupus
19. Seurieus - Bdg 19 oktober
20. Ungu Beri Aku Waktu
21. Tipe X - Tanda-tanda Patah Hati
22. Sheila On 7 - Pemuja Rahasia
23. Armada - Hargai Aku
24. Nidji - Hapus Aku
25. Bondan Prakoso And Fade2Black - Bunga
Nah itu lah beberapa lagu galau pilihan kami, yang pasti asyik untuk didengarkan saat suasana hati sedang galau. Untuk mendapatkan lagu tersebut, silakan kunjungi beberapa situs mp3 seperti gudang
Kata Kata Mutiara Cinta Islami Terbaru 2013
Kata Kata Mutiara Cinta Islami Terbaru 2013 - Pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan memberikan informasi mengenai kata kata mutiara cinta terbaru 2013. Kata kata ini bisa anda share di facebook, twitter, BBM, dan lain - lain.
Seseorang yang mengumbar perasaan cintanya, hanya akan menjadi bahan
gunjingan orang-orang di sekitarnya. Apakah hubungannya itu dapat berlanjut kejenjang pernikahan, maupun apabila hubungan tersebut gagal menuju tangga
pernikahan, sama-sama merupakan sumber gunjingan yang paling enak.
Miskonsepsi pertama yang ditentang Bowman adalah manusia jatuh cinta dengan menggunakan perasaan belaka. Betul, kita jatuh cinta dengan hati. Tapi agar tidak menimbulkan kekacauan di kemudian hari, kita diharapkan untuk juga menggunakan akal sehat.
Baca Selengkapnya
Seseorang yang mengumbar perasaan cintanya, hanya akan menjadi bahan
gunjingan orang-orang di sekitarnya. Apakah hubungannya itu dapat berlanjut kejenjang pernikahan, maupun apabila hubungan tersebut gagal menuju tangga
pernikahan, sama-sama merupakan sumber gunjingan yang paling enak.
Miskonsepsi pertama yang ditentang Bowman adalah manusia jatuh cinta dengan menggunakan perasaan belaka. Betul, kita jatuh cinta dengan hati. Tapi agar tidak menimbulkan kekacauan di kemudian hari, kita diharapkan untuk juga menggunakan akal sehat.
Baca Selengkapnya
Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat Dengan Mudah Aman Cepat Alami
1. Bubuk kayu cendana yang dibuat pasta
Bubuk kayu cendana dapat bekerja secara ajaib untuk menutupi pori-pori kulit yang besar bekas jerawat. Caranya oleskan pada bekas jerawat sebelum tidur dan gunakan semalaman, lalu bilas dengan air dingin di pagi hari. Pemakaian yang rutin akan mendapatkan hasil yang bagus.
2. Bubuk kayu cendana yang dicampur dengan air mawar
Caranya oleskan pada bekas jerawat sebelum tidur dan gunakan semalaman lalu bilas dengan air dingin di pagi hari. Tapi jika kulit menjadi kering, cobalah ditambahkan susu dalam ramuan bubuk cendana itu dan gunakan hanya beberapa jam saja tak perlu semalaman.
3. Pori-pori kulit sehabis jerawatan biasanya membesar, untuk mengencangkannya bisa diusap-usap dengan es batu di wajah selama 15 menit.
4. Menggosok-gosokkan kulit bagian dalam timun atau tomat ke wajah adalah cara lain menghilangkan bekas jerawat. Biarkan selama 15 menit lalu bilas dengan air bersih. Tomat tidak hanya mengecikan pori-pori tapi juga menghilangkan komedo dan cocok untuk pengobatan kulit berminy
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Hot Weather Make-Up Tips
Artfully applied makeup is a pleasure to behold at any time of year. However, under the glare of the sun, or in heat and humidity, almost all make-up eventually tends to melt.
When trying to ensure that make-up stays put in the warm weather, don't pack on layer upon layer of products that claim to produce a matte finish. Yes, they may lengthen the amount of time before heat gets the best of a make-up application. Eventually, though, they, too, will succumb to the heat.
The key to keeping that glamorous look you tried so hard to achieve is to acknowledge the heat rather than trying to fight it. Here are some tips on how to look sultry even when the temperature soars.
Cleanse: Wash your face using a gentle, oil-free cleanser such as Cetaphil, ($6.99; in drugstores ). If you're experiencing breakouts, follow with an astringent that has salicylic acid. If you have extra oily skin, try an oil zapping toner-Dermalogica makes an astringent called Oil Control Lotion, ($44.00). Oil Control Lotion contains lemon and burdock root, which, when applied topically, helps skin heal after trauma.
Moisturize: If your complexion is oily, only moisturize under the eyes and skip the rest of the face. If you have dry skin, use a light, non-oily lotion.
Tinted Moisturizer: In lieu of foundation, blend a small amount of long-wearing, flesh-tinted gel or moisturizer evenly over your entire face. Unlike traditional foundation which has a heavier texture, tints and gels have no texture at all, yet give a lovely translucent glow to the skin. For dry and normal skin, NV Perricone makes a terrific tinted moisturizer. ($55). If your skin is oily, Laura Mercier Oil Free Tinted Moisturizer ($40; Laura Mercier) is an excellent choice.
For Extra Coverage: If areas of your face need more intense attention, such as broken capillaries, under-eye darkness, or rosacea, use the minutest (pin-sized) bit of a highly pigmented, opaque matte cover cream applied directly to the specific area. You may want to try DermaColor from Kryolan ($40.00)
Eyeshadow: Eyeshadows that have a luminous quality look gorgeous, and shades such as pearly-pink, ecru, taupe and pale peach can bring attention to the color of your eyes. Bourjois makes a wonderful shadow called Intensely Luminous Waterproof Cream Eyeshadow ($13.50; Sephora) is a great hot-weather pick, and Ambre Alternatif is a gorgeous, glowing amber shade.
Eyeliner: Eyeliner offers a classic way to define eyes, and for festive occasions, hues such as pale plum, turquoise, or even silver can look amazing. For hot weather, it will help if your liner is waterproof. Make Up For Ever makes a brilliant Aqua Eyes Waterproof Eyeliner Pencil ($16.00; Sephora) and the company's version of turquoise is stunning.
Mascara: As much as mascara gives lush definition to lashes, much of the time, it's the first part of make-up to melt away-heat or no heat. That coupled with the fact that we rub our eyes (most times unconsciously), can really make mascara a challenge for hot weather. A good idea is to apply mascara only to the upper lashes, and in a very fine layer; then wait a full minute and apply again.
Cheeks: For blush to stay vibrant, a good tactic is to finely layer powder blush over a non-oily cheek cream. Mally Roncal makes a terrific long-lasting blush called Get Cheeky, ($25.00; QVC). Roncal's version of soft pink is called Dawn, which is lovely and natural looking. A nice powder blush to layer over it is Shu Uemura Glow On Blush in Stoic Pink ($21.00; Sephora)
Lips: For lip color to last in the heat-as well as look flattering-there are two options: find a lipstick or lip tint that features higher pigmentation, or use a waterproof lip pencil over the entire lips, over which you can layer a semi-moist lipstick or gloss. Keep in mind that matte lipstick can make lips appear dry and dull. That said, look for a product that says "long-lasting," or "highly pigmented." Shiseido offers Shimmering Lipstick, ($22.00; Sephora) which has a moist texture, comes in wonderful gem-like shades, and is impressively long-lasting.
Blotting Powder: Use an oil-free translucent blotting powder and apply it conservatively to the T-zone, tip of your nose, or any other areas of high shine. The "gold standard" is M.A.C Pressed Blot Powder. ($20.00; M.A.C cosmetics). Always use powder in moderation, however. In the heat, powder, no matter how good the quality, will cake and create a dull, dry appearance, if layered to excess.
A Dozen Dirty Little Beauty Tricks
Shhhhh, we need to keep this strictly on the QT. Look over your shoulder pads and make sure no one is watching.
I'm about to violate the Secret Stylist Code of Ethics by telling you the little Hollywood tricks we do to make our clients look extra fabulous including treatments stars regularly do before they sit down with us.
Remember that you didn't hear it from me.
1. No Panty Hose.
Take a little bit of your favorite luminizer and mix it with an amazing moisturizer. Gently apply it on your legs and it looks like you're wearing beautiful hose, but instead you have soft, natural, glowing legs. Amazing! My favorite for this...Laura Mercier. It rocks for your legs.
2. Shine on? Forget it!
If you're shiny because of too much running around just hit the ladies room and grab the toilet seat paper cover. ( A new one of course.) Tear off a piece and blot your face. It's a great way to get rid of the oil without taking off your makeup. But, those o200f you have worked with me personally, know I love those tiny little blue oil-blotters from Clean & Clear. Keeps you from looking shiny and helps you steer clear of that cakey look you get when you powder over your face to keep your shine at bay.
3. Spanx under it all.
Okay, Okay! I know... it's not always comfortable, ladies, but hike 'em up. If you have waist, hip, tummy or thigh issues - or all of the above, damn it all to hell - then get out the Spanx because they will suck in it for you. And, if you were wishing you could wear Spanx to the beach, your in luck! This just in... Spanx Swimwear
4. Botox
A lot of the stars are doing it. It's true. Same with plastic surgery. I'm sure you knew that, right? You either think it's okay or you don't. If you decide to give Botox a try...make sure you go to someone who knows what they are doing! Yikes. And, remember...Just don't go too far. A little bit at a time will avoid those horrid cat eyes. Who wants that look.
5. Hair extensions
No one over 40 has the same thick, long to your butt locks that they did when they were younger. Ask your stylist about extensions if you want that look. Discuss the ones that are the least harmful to your regular hair. There are so many different techniques. Try clip in extensions before you invest the big bucks. Again, go to the pros that do this kind of thing all the time. Extensions need to match your color and blend into the cut of your hair. There is nothing worse than being able to see where the extensions start and that the hair looks fake.
6. Visit your dentist and get your teeth bleached.
There's nothing more beautiful than a gorgeous smile without the old lady yellowish I-drank too-much-Starbucks teeth. No time today? Try baking soda on your toothbrush and Crest White Strips are another favorite of mine.
7. Get out of your lawn chair.
For those ladies who are still tanning (and I know you're out there), just know that stars never expose their faces. It's horribly aging. If you're out always use sunblock, but also wash it off the minute you get in the house. If you want that tan look then just use an amazing self-tanner on your face. And, go easy. I've been a little too "tan" (read- orange!) in the past from a little more self-tanner than necessary. There are new organic self-tanner's out there today. Stars do opt for the tan look because less makeup is needed to give them that glow and well, the lights on some sets can really wash you out.
8. Pad it, Baby.
If you've got a little tush envy..You don't need to toss down more carbs to get Kim Kardashian's curves... because you might also develop a gut at the same time. You can buy butt pads and add them into your jeans the way certain stars do. It's also fine to pad your bra a bit with those chicken cutlet type pads that look natural. Can you believe we actually add padding to give the right curves? But, it's available if you need it. Make sure their are securely in place! Nothing worse than a little bra pad playing peek-a-boo when you're feeling oh-so-sexy...only for your admiring friend to point and say, "What's that?" Hmmm. Been there. Done that. Laugh it off. That's the only way out of this one.
9. Wear nude shoes to make your legs look longer.
Check out the pictures on the Web of the "Sex and the City" gals at the recent Showest event in Vegas to hype the movie. They were in gorgeous slinky dresses with nude heels. Even shorter girls will look like tall models. It works! You don't get the break in the line that you get when you slip on a dark shoe.
10. Buy fabric tape.
You can take a hem when your pants don't fit perfectly or you wear flats. It's also a way to change up a skirt- make it longer or a mini without alterations.You need to do this one while not wearing your clothing. Taping while in the clothing leads to wrinkles, rumples, and uneven hemlines. Still in doubt; Get a secondfashiontape opinion, and make sure you've taped it all up evenly.
11. Splurge on false individual lashes at your salon if you have a big event.
It's about $40 to $50 to have a professional makeup artist put them in and they will only last a few days. But if you're going to a reunion or on a big date or a wedding then they're absolutely worth it. Your eyes will pop. You'll feel like a movie star and won't even need to wear as much eyeshadow. Individual lashes look more natural if applied in between your real lashes. Applied on top of your lashes, a little more glam. Strip lashes really pop the look and take it way up to the max.
12. Smile!
So many of us are so serious (worried, frantic, busy, etc.) Your smile is your best beauty secret of all.
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